Money Saving Tip Number 1

Every now and then we find a way to stretch the all mighty dollar. I have just found yet another way to save 60 dollars twice a year. I figured some of you might want to hear about it.

If there is one thing I hate it's spending my hard earned cash on essential car maintenance and tires. This tip will help you save a little.

Money Saving tip #1
Client Supplied Oil Change

I drive a 3 series BMW which takes synthetic oil that retails for $10-$15 a gallon. A regular oil change takes 6 gallons. Keep an eye out on sales and you will see that oil often goes on sale from 40-60% off. Pick up the jugs before heading to the dealership and you will see. If you can find your filter on sale that will save you an extra 15$.

I used to pay $150 for a complete oil change.  See my receipt now.

Mathieu Blake

Mathieu Blake - Internet Entrepreneur, loves technology, sports, the Montreal Canadiens, Poker, Poker chips, current events and travel. You will often find him Writing about different topics that interest him on websites and blogs. To submit an article, contact the website directly.